so, comment: RONI my faves are the ones that look just a little jargled and not super collaged. I feel they have a more static (like VHS fuzz) and active look about them, which makes them even more vibrant than your already fantastic colours.
Why the tri-coloured bisected background? Thought about just two colours?
But they are mega badass. I'm so excited about your new groove!
I just laid the windows onto this big old painting I've been working on. It takes up the better half of our bedroom floor. It is drying, but I am super excited about the outcome so far.
Still in the middle of two grad school applications. Haven't started one yet. Need to refine my statement for the other one. Grawoel (growl).
ACK I just want the paint to dry so I can hang it up and get a good looksie. THIS is another reason I love studios. I don't drive myself crazy staring at wet paint.
This post sucks. I am anxious and boring.
The renegade craft fair I went to ... a week ago? sucked as well. It seemed to me to be a warehouse filled with owls screen printed onto every imaginable surface. I take that back--normal surfaces. If it had been every imaginable surface, it would have been totally awesome. I am not into screen printing, it turns out. It is far to parsnickety. Too clean, too stable, too flat. Emboss that mother fucker for me.
(I am wild and crazy-writin' tonight. Sorry.)
Ooh, SOON I hope I should have these squares of fabric I ordered off the internet. I don't know what I am going to do with them, but they are from Heather Ross' Mendocino collection and I fell in love with them the first time I saw them. Any ideas?
Alright, so here is my Mermaid Agenda painting I finished about a month ago. I guess I can let it out of the bag now.