Also, Marianne Bland is doing the painting a day thing, and I liked her style on some of them. With that, I suppose, it really is win/lose/some.
When I first got to San Fran I began again my task of 2 paintings a day that Martin Ball had set up for me. I fell short of my goal of 100 pieces, but it did get me back on track. I am very fortunate that the room my boyfriend and I share here is wonderfully split into a loft for the bed, and a bay window for my desk. He has a desk for his four-track recorder, and another desk for the computer. I think we do very well for our space. Plus, he lets me hang whatever I want all over the walls. I currently have three pieces in progress.
Ooh but I almost forgot! Roni, I told you about Maureen Shields before, but I should mention her here in the "people who can sell paintings in san francisco" post. I know she can, because I buy her things. She works with the gallery that specifically told me I would not sell very well there, or at least the pieces I had submitted to that specific show. Don't worry, Maureen, no hard feelings. I will still gossip about how much I like your paintings with Dhara even when, unbeknownst to me, you are standing in the gallery with us... FANBOYS. And besides, submission to that gallery's shows are free, and the shows change monthly, so try, try again.
That is my first update on "people who can sell paintings in san francisco". I guess it is a "paintings I like" edition, because there are so many I don't. Snob.
If I were a stand-up comic I might say "I like my paintings like I like my youtube videos--showcasing the adorableness of kittens."
Here is a painting from my two paintings a day here in Cali:

Photograph courtesy of H-bomb, a loyal friend and roommate. Roni, move out here and be her best friend (there's a line, and I'm in it). I just know you would LOVE HER. I DO! LOVE YOU HEATHER!
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