Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fecals Face's Mini Interviews make me happy.

Sometimes it annoys me when artists can give meaningful answers to basic questions about their work. Mostly because I can't. Or at least I struggle very violently with it. Articulation and I get in bloody fist fights. We go for low blows, tear out clumps of hair, and scratch at the eyes. And usually I produce sloppy round-about metaphors instead of concise explanations, and nobody has a clue what I am getting at. Or do they?
Whichever, I really liked some of the answers Huey Crowley gave Fecal Face in this Mini Interview.
And his art is inspiring in the way that I painted a hideous picture of a terrifying figure and thought nobody wanted to see it. Well, people want to see his hideous and terrifying figures, so, inspired. Done.
I liked Zoran Palurovic's answers because they are the ones I think we all wish we could give, but were taught not to most of the time.
"How would you describe your work to someone?"
"I do not want to explain anything special to anyone through my abstract works."
Stick it to the man, Zoran.
Also on Fecal Face this morning, I saw the work of Ian Shults, which I swear I have seen before, but can't remember where or find any examples of in my strangely extensive yet unorganized files on artists I store in my bedroom.
For the most part, I'm not really into paintings of ladies in their underwear. For the most part, I miss the point. But I did like the first and third paintings on that website: Severed Connections and What We Do is Secret. After those, I lost interest.
Is that how everybody looks at anybody's website? Or am I just a douche bag?
I have a cold.
I don't want to proof read this before posting it.
So I won;t

Friday, May 27, 2011

I am a psychic medium, it is so true

Remember the mermaid painting? with the waves crashing over the cities? And then it tsunamied IRL all over the place in a very bad way?
I think I predicted that.
And then I painted the Left Behind I and II paintings? And then it raptured, but we just didn't see it, but it still happened according to you-tube?
I think I predicted that, too.
I am so badass.
Word to the wise, I am currently painting a plane crashing in the middle of the first Left Behind painting. Don't fly, or you might be rapture-crashed when your pilot is stolen by God and then the plane is left with just a pair of pants in control.
Also, I am painting time travel.
Also, I am painting me having tons of money and hot babes and beef-cakes.

This painting is full of perverts. It is also really busy. I am thinking of blocking out some of the chaos with some bright blue or a white fence or something. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
kay bye

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anna came to visit this past weekend! We had a picnic with all of the essentials...the essentials being Anna, me, food, puppies, and hula hoops.  PLUS, all of the other cute people that made it out :)  Since I cant seem to write a full post lately I've decided to stick with that trend & put up pictures from the picnic. Yay!

Anna & her Manna

R! & A!

Puppies chatting up a storm.

Pointing at people who aren't as good as her at hula hooping.

Next post will be back to art. Obviously, I had to share these. It is our blog after all! 



Friday, May 20, 2011


On a completely non art related note, every time I see the comment string under a picture from a party I went to in early 2007, I laugh uncontrollably.  It's not even that funny! But, since it's between myself and the two lovlies I lived with for two years, I know exactly the tones of voice and all the stuff that makes something more funny.  I would post the picture but Kait might kill me.

Roni: Kaitlyn looks like a "mature older woman" in this one!

Soph: hah yes she does! very observant, Rondifer.

Kait: ...aka- OLD FART. thanks guys, you really are the best.

         now im going to go kill myself.

It's still making me laugh!? Anyway, laughing is the's my favorite, actually, and I do it often :D


Thursday, May 19, 2011



In honor of Anna coming to visit o-HI-o for the weekend, I want to introduce you to San Francisco artist, Wendy MacNaughton.  I don't have much to say about her work other than "I diggit." Some of it is really quirky and funny.  The portraits and maps are quirky too...they definitely remind me of children's books and also a little bit of the current trends in illustration.  The trend I'm referring to being the hand drawn imperfect representations...but I really don't know what I'm talking about, I feel like I've definitely seen a lot of drawings in ads lately. Moving on.  What I like about her drawings having the very illustrative and commercial quality is that I get the feeling she just likes to draw for the hell of it.  If she gets asked to do drawings in exchange for money, all the better.

Things Happen

The Way Home


P.S.  Local Terrain opening tomorrow, Friday May 20 5-8 at the Downtown Gallery, Kent, OH.  Whachaaa!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Slowww Dowwwn

Been a pretty crazy past few weeks.  I'll write more about it later. For now I'll tell you in pictures.


One of the pretty squares. There was a different one every few blocks.
Kiawah Island!
I biked to the beach. There were no more than 5 people within viewing distance
Mairi & John gettin' hitched!
Stan Hywett Hall & Gardens
PLUS! I've moved (mostly) into my new apartment and I start my new jorb tomorrow.

Kay bye!


Friday, May 06, 2011

Jar Jar

Hi! I'm leaving for Savannah and Kiawah Island tomorrow with the ladies of the family. It's going to be cute!

I turned in my piece for the Local Terrain show today. From the way I've been blah blah blahing about it for months you may have thought I was making it up.  Well, it's real and I barely finished my piece. In fact, I technically didn't because I cut out a few of the jars I had planned on including. But, there are still 17 and I think that's a good number. I'll put up pictures of the finished set after the opening on May 20th. Until then, I'll share two collages that made the cut. I ended up scanning a few of them for documentation purposes because in the final product they're basically illegible.  The collages are rolled up, put in jars and can only be viewed from the top (the jars are flipped upside down).  So, the glass distorts the imagery and makes it all mysterious. OoOOOoooooo.  The collages themselves are not that impressive, just simple line drawings with crosshatching from memory. But, I wanted them to feel kitchy, playful, and genuine. They're almost cartoony? Which is weird for me, because I can't actually "cartoon".  Regardless, I think that as a whole the amateur feeling of the collages aids my concept.  That's what I'm telling myself anyway :)

Aaaanyway here are the collages for two of my top ladies, Anna and JJ!

Left to Right: Patchwork bag & sewing machine, some of annas favey supplies (pour-on resin being the star), WILDCATS!, Bloggy, remember when a mouse bit you while you were sleeping in NYC?, my favorite surprise, ICE CREAM!, special delivery, how I remember our shared studio space, turtle face, favorite postcard 

Left to Right: Crafty, Cake Pops, paper rolls, pipe cleaner friends, Skype, b & w film, Peter the pink dinosaur, folk art paints, cupcake noms, pink hair dye!, camera adventures, ICE CREAM (this activity applies to everyone I've ever met), knit cap, gift tag, BOOM!!

So, there you have it. I made 15 more of these in varying sizes. Took forrreverrrr. Ideally they would've been really really dense but, frankly, I found it difficult to illustrate my relationships because so much of a relationship is intangible, you know? Yah, you know.

Time to pack! Or rather, throw a bunch of clothes in a bag and hope the pieces make outfits.

xo, Roni!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

zoom zoom

Lots of change really fast. All good though! Just fast. Thankfully, I've been pretty consistent with my Zumba classes so moving fast is super easy for me, obviously.

First!! I got an apartment! Not just any apartment. This is my very first all-by-myself-can-make-it-as-cute-as-I-want apartment. I thought about looking for a roommate (aka built in new friend) but said Hell Naw! I don't need someone telling me how to arrange my furniture. So, I'm pretty excited. It's in a safe area with everything I need within walking/biking distance.  Most importantly my daily work commute is being shortened by 100 minutes round trip! What!? That's so many minutes that I won't be driving! 

Second!! I got a new job! Remember that one time I made a piece for an interview?  Well, they liked it and I've been hired.  Yay! I'm stupid nervous but really, really ready to be awesome at this.  In case you're wondering, my official title is Display Coordinator. I'm going to work at the new Anthropologie store that is opening in Crocker Park.  Basically, it's a big girl job and pretty soon I'm going to have to own up to officially being an adult.

WHOA! Looks like I can't pretend anymore.  My own place, a big girl job...I guess I'm a grown up now. I feel sooo...different. KIDDING! I'll never be a "grown up" if I can help it :)

Third!!  This isn't a change but, the art show I've been yappin' about since January is nearly here. In fact, I have to turn in my piece on Friday. So, it's been adding to my super fast changing life craziness. Though it's not finished I'm really happy with it so far.

In case I haven't made it clear enough, I want to reiterate that everything is really great. Like, scary great.  Old Roni would have thought "This may be toooo great.  Let's proceed with caution because clearly something bad is about to happen."  New Roni says "It's about time! Own it, own it, oooowwnnnn iiiiitttt!."  Even if I'm wrong and something bad ends up happening I'm not going to let that thought fill up my brain until it's an actual issue.  Life's too short to assume the worst all of the time.

Happy Things,