Friday, November 05, 2010

life's ebb and flow

The Flow:
Happy dog for lunch with coworkers. Noms!  Lesley's MFA show. Beautiful!

The Ebb (which was a-plenty today):

I found out my studio had sprung a leak at Scott Olson's open studio show:
Gianna (who has a studio in my same building): "So what was the problem with your studio today?"
Me: "TODAY?!?!"

I ran across the street, straight to my studio where I found my stuff pushed to one side, buckets errrrywhere catching gross yellow ceiling water, and an "I'm sorry" note with a key to my new space (Unit 1).  I was in quite a panic trying to air dry my few artist books that I have and I'm gonna lose a work day moving everything...but on the flow side, the new space is a little bigger for the same price.

After a good old fashioned screaming match with myself in my car over a pocket dial (that's another ebb),  I flowed myself up with some ice cream and a walk in the sleet.

I promise next entry will be less wah wah and more arty art, like I promised last time, hahaha. This was sort of art related...I went to 2 art shows and my studio flooded! It counts. Here are samples of work by the two people I saw tonight.

Lesley Sickle:

Scott Olson:


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