Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hobbitty hibbity

This, my friends, is a pretty house. 
Of course it's in Belgium! They would.
West facing, not ideal for heating and cooling but apparently it had the best unobstructed views (I would've done the same)

I wish I knew how to grow plants without immediately killing them.  I really love the juxtaposition between the organic skin and the ultra modern sleek construction. Still, I cant help but really want to see it a little more a hobbit house! Sometimes I convince myself that charming design will outlast modern in say 100 years.  Who knows, what do I look like a fortune teller?! 

Some of us can see the future...or not. (I hope the one (or 2?) person(s) that will get that reference reads this post, haha!)



Thursday, February 24, 2011

I got every flavor made by that babe Bertie Botts

Hi y'all!

Right now I'm listening to MC Chris, he makes me laugh. Thanks to a fun peoples for bringing him to my attention :)  Speaking of laughter, I was perusing the interwebs for images by Jessica Eaton so I could write about how amazing her photography is and came across this print by Craig Damrauer from his series "The New Math of Relationships":
The New Math of Relationships: Laughter

He speaks the truth! His website doesn't have this series for some reason. You can view more of them on his 20x200 page.  They're pretty great and so so simple. Hope you like them!  I've decided to hold off on Eaton because her website is all screwy.  Once I find a good source of her images then I will give her a proper review, it's worth the wait people, she's amazing.

In other news, I bought some books on Amazon today:
I am (from left to right): desperate, dreamy, adolescent

I kind of feel silly about the first two purchases. But, the internet is too saturated to find any targeted and useful information on trying to market yourself and the "business end" of the art world.  I received a green building book for Christmas and it has been a great resource for materials, codes, and using nature to your advantage blah blah blah.  Add to the list reason #235159778 why a well written book is a better tool than blindly searching on the internet.
As for the third book I should have bought it when it first came out but just kept forgetting. I own this whole series, it's hilarious, adorable, and a complete indulgence. Love! It's so great, in fact, that the first book "Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging" was made into a movie that was released in theatres all over the world in 2008 & 2009 and premiered on American televisions on New Years Day 2010 (though i looked for an illegal copy to no luck until then...i mean seriously, a year later!?)  I watched it and recorded it, thank you. If anyone finds it on DVD buy it for me!! I will pay you back, je promis :D Alright, and since this entry has quickly diverted into a love fest for all things Georgia I will flip to a random page page in book 1 and copy a few lines:

"What did Jas know of trouble? Had she taken her little sister to the swimming pool?...Had her little sister's swimming knickers exploded at the top of the toddlers' water slide? No. Is there ever any point in trying to tell Mum that Libby always has bottom trouble after baked beans?"

Bah! It's official. I'm 12 years old.  


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

new dress

I always forget to take "before" pix, ya'll. "pix". "ya'll".

But Alex BoBalex (not her real last name) helped me make this today out of a t shirt and an ugly green dress! ALEX USES LIKE 40 PINS AT A TIME... That's ten times as many as I use....

So thank her for the straight lines... cuz I ain't do that. Not never.

Here is a picture of me looking like a toddler.



Monday, February 21, 2011

FMS was hilarious

1. Anna I have no idea why you cant comment on the blog but that's completely lame. maybe write to google? I can if yaunt me too :)

2. Still have lots to say but no time. Quick update...

3. I'm thinking of doing a small series of prints entitled "Notes From Middle School" because they make me smile so hard

First in the series:  "Yoyo's"

One of the million reasons why "Carrot" is and always has been my bf4-e :)

Seriously, so so sooo good.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

You fancy, huh?

I have a lot to write about but not much time. So, here's a quick post. I made this dress Thursday:

Ready for summer! Added a zipper from a ratty pair of jeans.  Note: the hilarious stitching (I should take a sewing class)

I actually think this would look really cute on Anna! If you like it, say the word and it's yours.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Ink makes my fingernails look homeless

On Ohio maps:
I just cut up my Pat Catan's card, my North Campus video card, my Ohio Drivers License, but don't worry, I saved my Franklin Square Deli punch card to send in my next package to you, Roni.
What a weird thing. I have my Ohio license plates under my desk. Legally Californian now.
My Ohio map would have been all of these obsolete things I kept for over a year here.
Or my Ohio map would have been my car. I keep it totally empty here, with the glove compartment and the center console open when parked as per Martin Ball's suggestion to keep my car from being broken into again.
But when I lived in Ohio, I had a second home in my car. Bottles of water, boxes of granola bars, extra jackets, blankets, print outs of directions from Google Maps, paints, bags of brushes, rollers, scrapers, knives, tape, boards, cardboard, mats, trash bags, shoes, shirts, tampons, all of my CDs, disposable cameras, tissues, paper towels, cans of cheese ravioli, peanut butter crackers, an air compressor, bottles of Naproxen...
I had a lot of homes in Ohio, and left them a lot.
What a thing to think about!
I shoooould go to Blick today, in the rain, and get the things I need to keep working on the paintings I have momentum splurting over now....
In San Francisco, I don't need music like I did in Ohio. I noticed that recently. I just don't listen to music much here. Not like I did back East.
What does it all mean?!?!!?!?!?!
Just kidding, everything is fine.
Let's finish three paintings today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Here fishy fishy

To make up for the rambling post from yesterday I'd like to show you something awesome!  Artist, Jason deCaires Taylor has built quite a name for himself creating artificial coral reefs from his beautiful and emotional life sizes statues. The picture below links to an article about his most recent build outside of Cancun, Mexico. But, I encourage you to check out his website (linked to his name above).  Past work with progression shots show how the pieces have become a part of nature, truly facilitating new growth in these very fragile ecosystems. 

Silent Evolution
I've added him to my list of artists worth emulating (which I just started right now).  Three reason's:
1. The individual sculptures are beautiful and made from eco-conscious materials.
2. The piece in its entirety is ever changing and therefore, always interesting, new, and exciting.
3. The artist is brave. The idea of making something for the sole purpose of being, for lack of a better word, destroyed is something a lot of artists struggle with. It is an important and humbling moment in an artists life when he or she decides to paint over a painting or disassemble a sculpture. (A stretch I know, but you get the idea).


Friday, February 11, 2011

Brain Bumper Cars

The last few days have been completely devoted to (trying to) developing a visual representation of my sense of place for a piece for a group show.  It's amazing how difficult this is turning out to be. I know what ideas and feelings I associate with home.  The problem (maybe?) is that a lot of my work is figural and internalized. So, when I'm sitting here thinking about mapping...the show is focused on 'maps as art'...and how it relates to what I normally do I'm coming up with junk.  Just topical junk that is strictly aesthetic. Frankly, I can't relate to it.  If I can't relate to my own piece then no one will be able to.  The few OK ideas I've come up with border on too personal.  I know it's supposed to be my personal take on our connection and understanding of place but the key word is OUR.  But, I am just one person, I have no idea how other NEO residents connect to their home. Maybe they're not connecting at all? Maybe Akron or Cleveland is just a stop on the way to something better.  I can't relate to that idea. But, I know that that's how some people view NEO. Soooo, forget them! They don't count in my thought process.  One obstacle conquered.  Or perhaps they are too connected. Not thinking outside the box. Accepting the life they have as unchanging.  Your location can only give to you what you put into it.  Nothing more. You can have all the resources in the world at your disposal (ala New York City) and still squash opportunities with a bad attitude. Soooo, forget them too! I'm going off on a tangent. I wonder why I've accomplished nothing? 

Clearly, my brain ideas have become brain bumper cars...they keep slamming into each other trying to do some damage and the next thing you know they're all clustered in the middle and you can't figure out how that weird padded steering wheel works.  Normally, I'm the asshole who just cruises around the blowing in the wind.

I mean seriously, look at this flowchart:
Nice attempt, Ronald.
 Here's to a more productive Saturday!


Saturday, February 05, 2011

whatever grl I flippen upcycle too

I bought three really short skirts and didn't like the blue one SO I MADE IT INTO A SHIRT.

This is the same skirt, but not blue, and with cute buttons instead of zippers.

This is it flipped upsidedown and made into a shirt WOOT.

"All for his engorgement" --Jim

He is, of course, referring to Too Hot for a Spy. My favorite book.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Double Trouble

TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY!?!?!?  I know it's obnoxious but I upcycled a t-shirt today. It is pretty cute and I wanted to share it!  I meant for it to be a longer crop top than it turned out buuuut no dice. That's why we practice right?  Notice: the dual colored stitching, the loose threads, overall homemade appearance.

Before: an undelivered Christmas gift
After! Crop top! I've never worn one before but 2011 is the year, I CAN FEEL IT!
THE BACK! w00t! You know this is fun.
Look at that high quality (only opposite)!

Can't wait for summer time!! But, until then I have a lot more clothes to upcycle :)

Later gators!



First things first.

Anna: I think you have two options with this painting you don't like.  (I have tons I don't like of mine, so I feel your pain) 1. Paint over it and start over or 2. Finish it and then paint a second one, using the first as practice THEN paint over the first.
Honestly, it's probably better than you think it is.  You are still, hands down, the singe most naturally talented person I've ever met. I speak the truth, my friend.  As for these dumb galleries, Don Henley sums up my sentiments with a lyric in his solo song Dirty Laundry. "We all know that crap is king." Girl, ain't that the truth? Keep painting for you.  Change for no one!

Second things second.

Let's talk about photography. I'm pretty stoke to see what "fine art" photography is going to look like in 15 years. At work today, I was talking to Tim-bo about this while looking at some prints he bought from 20x200.  (Side note: Check this site out. I'm conflicted over it. I wish I had known about it earlier because it's great BUT I wish I had never seen it because now I'm gonna go broke.)  Basically, we decided that the current contemporary trends will last for a while.  Mostly because no matter how good technology gets, you can't fake talent. Some people just have the skills.  I should probably expand more on my thoughts but I honestly can't seem to form the right words. Soooo here are some of my favorites and some new (to me) that T-slice showed me today:

Amy Stein  

Coke Wisdom O'Neal.  Saw his work for the first time at Mixed Greens gallery in 2005. He was sharing the space with Leah Tinari. Needless to say it was a great day for me!
Matthew Moore Really beautiful work, understated attack of suburban sprawl. 

Jeremy Kohm. The dreamiest landscapes a girl could ever hope for. Major Swoon.

I could probably go on and on but I'll do us all a favor and stop at four artists.  Check the websites, people, you won't be disappointed!
