Friday, May 27, 2011

I am a psychic medium, it is so true

Remember the mermaid painting? with the waves crashing over the cities? And then it tsunamied IRL all over the place in a very bad way?
I think I predicted that.
And then I painted the Left Behind I and II paintings? And then it raptured, but we just didn't see it, but it still happened according to you-tube?
I think I predicted that, too.
I am so badass.
Word to the wise, I am currently painting a plane crashing in the middle of the first Left Behind painting. Don't fly, or you might be rapture-crashed when your pilot is stolen by God and then the plane is left with just a pair of pants in control.
Also, I am painting time travel.
Also, I am painting me having tons of money and hot babes and beef-cakes.

This painting is full of perverts. It is also really busy. I am thinking of blocking out some of the chaos with some bright blue or a white fence or something. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
kay bye

1 comment:

  1. Until I made it bigger I really thought the plane & the clothes were raised elements. I like that. As for blocking out the chaos. I dunno. It's a very uniform chaos so it reads flat. If anything I'd say add more big solid pieces to the bottom half to really pull the plane out of the chaos and into a dense mass. That's my fast opinion, if it changes I'll shout at ya
