Saturday, July 30, 2011

Alright everyone.  I'm in a quandary.  My new job requires me to search for "inspiration" on a daily to weekly basis. Finding it isn't hard, it's getting it to work that's the problem. The thing is, I need to upload them to a server to share with the district so, if I find something amazing in print it's a huge to-do to get it onto the computer. I either have to somehow find a scanner and scan it, take a picture of it with my camera then upload the pictures then email it to myself, or write the name of the magazine down and try and find the same image online. Not only that but if I then want to have the image in my art room to lok at I have to print it somewhere not at work because they don't have a color printer. So, here's my problem. I don't want to get a smart phone but I am starting to really see the value in having my camera and internet access all in one. If you suggest an ipad, I suggest you stop reading my blog...I refuse to entertain that idea until it has a usb port. Anywho, the picture quality on an iphone is admittedly stellar and so I wouldn't need to print anything I could just look at it on the phone. It's more money over all BUT I will be saving eons of time and trees. As a girl who saves all of her junk mail in a box to reuse for scrap paper, saving trees means a lot to me. 

OR I could just get an ipod touch with a those exist? That might be preferable since they get wifi with no monthly fee. I just looked it up, they do take pictures and video. Maybe that would be better...because I really really don't want a smart phone.  Hey, thanks for your help, guys!

Here are some pictures from the rocky mountains, so amazing!!!

kay bye!


  1. Dear Roni.
    I have an ipad.
    what's the difference between getting an ipad and an ipod touch with a camera? (Size.)

    I guess I have to stop reading your blog now.

    but really.... just think about it.

    or I'll let you test-run mine. (Except mine is the 1st one and has no camera)

  2. Yah, it's size that's the problem. I lost my ipod in Savannah and I need to replace that for the gym...the machines are starting to become unbearable with no motivation.

    Also, you got yours for free, jj!! I don't want to pay double. But, I'll still test run yours! ;)

  3. "Finding it isn't hard, it's getting it to work that's the problem"

    ....i fell in love with today.
    you need this. it is not only fun, but productive. and organized. and wonderful. <3

  4. I truly do love my iphone. It's easy to take a picture of whatever and upload it to FLICKR if you wanted to use that as a database of all your inspiration or just insert it into an email or text. The photos are 5 megapixels (I think, might want to check) so the quality is pretty great for a phone. And it's an ipod and it does record HD video if you ever want to video any sort of inspiration (lights, movement, etc.)

