Thursday, September 30, 2010

Acting Muscles

Flexed my acting muscles last night while helping my friend David with a short film he's making.  Because he's a nice guy (and smart) I didn't have any actual lines, just had to look ballaaa (EASY).  It will be fun to see when it's all done, when we were in high school he made some pretty great movies so, time should provide some new skills and creativity in the way this one is edited.

Here's a link to the only movie i've ever attempted to make. Another Banner Day.  It was for a basic digital imaging class where we learned iMovie and dabbled in Final Cut...Fall 2008 I believe. The movie is....let's say amateur at best, but cute!   Somehow in the rendering, the audio was pushed back a few seconds.
I made the dolls for my screen printing class, they're still one my favorite things I made in college.  If you want some of you and your friends or family, i've been thinking about trying my hand at a small doll making business :)

Working from home today because I'm doing some layout drawings.  I mean, I pay for a studio space, lets use it!

Where's Anna?! Did you get the package I sent you? I hope so, because it had a pretty great zine in it by King Cat,  which I just found out today is a big deal since the 90', i hope it's not lost :)


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I did!!! I MEANT to say THANK YOU, but I am a douche. I need to send the painting back! I think you will like it now, and I hope you are inspired to make it WONDERFUL! What a great idea you had!
    I want to pay for a studio space. Maybe I will get a mad raise soon and rent one. Arggg $$$.. Did you see Lori's space on FB? THATS Ballaaaa
