Monday, January 24, 2011



I was gonna write about how I reorganized my entire life today. Simplify simplify simplify. BUT!! I decided to check out the new work by one of my favorite painters, Leah Tinari, and what do I find? A portrait of an old friend painted by Miss Tinari. So, yah! I'm not so close to the little lady anymore but I'm still blown away. I have a million questions first one being "I thought you lived in Cleveland, howww do you know Leah Tinari?" Anywho, it's way cute...

"Rosie Cheek Punk Rock Cutie"

Mind blown. Time to go to Zumba. Anything I will write is lame compared to ^.



  1. when i saw this post, i immediately recognized elisabeth! so crazy. i read leah's "about" section and i guess those portraits were based on "perfect strangers"--or rather, people who came into one of her exhibitions and took photos in a photo booth.

  2. yah, i texted elisabeth about it and she had no idea until i told her. Crazy!!! and totally great
