Thursday, January 06, 2011

Signed Sealed Delivered

I mailed all except my RISD application today. I could've mailed them all but I want to give myself as much time as possible to make my #1 super duper.  I cannot express this enough: WHAT A LOAD OFF!  I feel 10 pounds lighter.  There are few things more frustrating than keeping separate school admission requirements straight.  I'm sure the entire world agrees with my plea to make application procedure universal. But, as Anna said to me a week ago while she was venting her frustration "This is how they weed out the ones who are not ready for graduate school!!!" to which i replied "It's still lame and rude, dude" 

In an attempt to not be a recluse for most of the week I made myself get back into my workout routine that has suffered for about a month. Yesterday I tried Zumba! True or False: You look graceful and talented while in a Zumba class? The answer is FALSE.  If you ever thought you were a killer dancer with all the right moves go ahead and give this a try.  This doesn't apply to me, of course. I obvs tore it up.

Also, in case you were wondering if I had a good sense of style, my fleece pullover with the snowman family on it would like to put in its opinion.

AND ART! something about art, something about art...I'm going here tomorrow!

Man, I sure do have some energy to burn.


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