Saturday, June 18, 2011


I want to buy an envelope for $400.00. Of course, it is no ordinary envelope. It is a piece by Travis Millard. Go here, to this link, in these letters. And then you can buy me that envelope I want.

A gallery in this town closed recently. It wasn't the best gallery, the most inovative. It had a lot of work that could snuggle easily into the walls of a doctor's office or hotel lobby. But it also had stacks of local art on paper for sale. That is what I miss about the gallery. I could buy local art, and a lot of it GOOD art, for less than $100.00. YES, I want every artist to be able to sell their work for millions, quit their day jobs, and pack into their studios for a life of invention and self discovery. Okay.... but also, I like to have art. To possess it. To make it mine, and hang it on my wall, to send it to friends, and mine mine mine mine mine. So I appreciated the inexpensive art this gallery, which is now out of business, offered....

How is the world going to work?

I should save up.

Peace out.
Buy art.


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